Saturday, April 26, 2008

Marigolds Forever

I've always loved marigolds. Not so much for their scent, which is said to repel garden pests, but for their simple progagation methods. You simply wait until the bloom wilts and collect the seeds to plant new marigolds.
I first tried them in 1993 back in Germany. I had only a small balcony and all I could do was small scale container gardening.
Well, I'm now gardening on a bigger scale but it is my first year since quite some time. I have marigolds growing between my vegetables, in a big terra cotta pot next to the front door and I seeded them in pots to surround Japanese Boxwood.

The ones I have this year were a mix and there's no telling what colors they will be. It's a dwarf variety and ever since I've seen my neighbor bringing home very tall marigolds in pots, I've been wanting to get some tall ones as well. The season is long here in Florida and I will pick up some more seeds next time I go to Home Depot.

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